Friday 18 January 2013

Movie Night!: Brigadoon

It's time to party! Grab the popcorn, snuggle up with a stranger and be prepared to get taken back in time to Scotland 1700s. If you've never seen it, it stars the Cyd Charisse and Gene Kelly in a beautiful love story about a person from historic Scotland who falls for a person from modern times (well 1947) and their love is so strong that it transends everything (sound familiar?). Who doesn't love an epic love story - especially when Scotland is involved. 
This is the film adaption of the musical that is sure to have you falling in love all over again. Be sure to let me know your thoughts on the movie and if you'd like to do this again. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Brigadoon belongs to Warner Brothers and I am in no way affiliated with this company, the production or the actors. This is meant for entertainment purposes only.

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